Craft HoudiniFX, Drive your Vehicle Model in RealTime

Happy newYear , Now Discount 45% OFF , use this code : BF2024


Hello Everyone :

since Craft Animation Studio Plug-In was released for Maya , 3DS Max & Cinema 4D , and Not for HoudiniFX, i Deiced to develop own Houdini Tool, First version i developed was into particles system, there was no Bullet Solver yet in Houdini. now i finally got some time to develop version Two inside Dynamics using Bullet and other Solvers, the simulation is enough fast for driving your vehicles in Rela_Time, you can save the animation, you can add a lot of collision as you want , you can modify the Vehicle Dimensions, Physical Parameters …………etc .

you will learn a lot bout using Solvers in the real time with custom force ………………thank you

tutorial length : Over 10 Hours

Level : Intermediate to Advanced

All Project Files and the 3D vehicle Models are Included .

Price :

219 $ - No one-on-one session .

267 $ - one Hour (one-on-one Skype Session)_This option if you need support .